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發布于:2024-12-25 作者:小途 閱讀:2


Studying abroad can be a wonderful experience but can be accompanied by numerous challenges, and one of the most significant among them is visa issues. The United Kingdom is a popular study destination for international students due to its world-renowned universities and favorable policies for international students. However, many students face visa difficulties upon graduation or completion of their courses. Therefore, this article focuses on what to do if you are an international student in the UK who has not graduated and is unsure about visa requirements.

Understanding Post-Study Work Visa Requirements

Suppose you are studying in the UK, and your visa is about to expire before you finish your degree course. In that case, you may encounter problems renewing your visa or extending your stay in the UK, especially if you are unable to provide sufficient documents or evidences to prove your eligibility. You may be eligible for a post-study work visa, but this depends on the course you are studying and the institution you are studying in. Typically, undergraduate and postgraduate students at recognized degree-awarding bodies are eligible for a two-year post-study work visa after graduation.

Applying for a Post-Study Work Visa

If you have not yet completed your course and your current visa is soon to expire, you can apply for a Tier 4 visa extension. However, this requires certification from your education provider that confirms you are still studying and when you expect to finish your course. You may also need to provide evidence that pays for your living expenses in the UK or have access to funds to support yourself during your extension.

Alternatively, you can opt for a change of visa type to a Tier 2 general work visa. This visa is open to applicants with a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and a job offer from a company in the UK that holds a Tier 2 sponsor license. However, you will need to fulfill specific requirements, including a minimum salary threshold and a job that falls under the occupation shortage list in the UK.

Consulting an Immigration Lawyer

If you are unsure of your eligibility for a visa renewal, extension, or change, or face challenges getting the required documents, it is recommended that you seek advice from a qualified immigration lawyer. An immigration lawyer can help you navigate the visa application process, offer guidance on the required documents, and ensure that you fulfill all the necessary requirements. They can also assist in appealing a visa refusal or dealing with complex circumstances like special medical needs or employment difficulties.


As an international student in the UK, visa issues can be a stressful and challenging experience. Lengthy application processes, the need for several documents, and the uncertainty around eligibility may make the process even more daunting. However, with patience and an understanding of available options, you can successfully navigate this process. Seeking advice from an immigration lawyer is the *** artest option as they can simplify the process and guide you through the visa application process.



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