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發布于:2024-12-24 作者:小途 閱讀:4


One of the most important things to consider when travelling to the United Kingdom is the validity of your visa. A visa is a legal document that allows foreign nationals to enter the UK for a specified period of time. In this article, we will discuss how many days before your visa expires is considered ‘overstaying’, as well as the consequences of overstaying in the UK on a visa.

How Many Days Before Your Visa Expires is Considered ‘Overstaying’?

If you are in the UK on a visa, it is important to keep track of when your visa expires. The date on the visa sticker in your passport indicates the last day you are allowed to stay in the UK. If you remain in the UK after this date, you will be considered an ‘overstayer’ and could face serious consequences.

The number of days before your visa expires that is considered ‘overstaying’ depends on the type of visa you hold. For visitors and short-term study visas, you must leave the UK by the date your visa expires. For long-term visas, such as work visas or student visas, you usually have a 30-day grace period after your visa expires to leave the UK.

Consequences of Overstaying in the UK

Overstaying on your visa in the UK can have serious consequences. First and foremost, you will be in breach of UK immigration law. This means that if you are caught, you could be detained and/or removed from the UK.

Overstaying can also make it difficult for you to re-enter the UK in the future. If you overstay for more than 90 days, you will be barred from re-entering the UK for a period of up to 10 years. This can have serious implications for future travel plans and may have an impact on your job prospects if you are seeking a job in the UK.

What to Do If Your Visa is About to Expire

If your visa is about to expire, it is important to take action immediately. You have a number of options:

Leave the UK before your visa expires

Apply to extend your visa (if you are eligible)

Switch to a different visa category (if you are eligible)

Apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (if you are eligible)

It is important to seek advice from a qualified immigration lawyer or advisor to determine which option is right for you.


Keeping track of your visa validity is crucial when travelling to the UK. If your visa expires, you could be considered an ‘overstayer’ and face serious consequences, including detention and removal from the UK. If your visa is about to expire, it is important to take action immediately and seek advice from a qualified immigration lawyer or advisor.



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