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發布于:2024-12-23 作者:小途 閱讀:6


Studying abroad in the United Kingdom is an exciting opportunity that many students pursue. However, as foreign students, we face several challenges, including visa regulations. It is not uncommon for students to need to extend their study visa, which can prove to be a daunting process. In this article, we will look at why and how students can apply to extend their study visa in Hong Kong.

Reasons for a Visa Extension

There are various reasons why a student may need to extend their study visa. One of the most common reasons is that they need additional time to complete their degree program. Some may need to retake exams or write a dissertation, which can add time to their studies. Others may have experienced unforeseen personal problems, such as a severe illness or family emergency, which has delayed completion of their course.

In either case, it is essential to apply for a visa extension as soon as possible before the current visa expires. Otherwise, the student risks becoming an illegal immigrant, which could lead to being deported and barred entry into the United Kingdom in the future.

Applying for a Visa Extension in Hong Kong

To apply for a visa extension, students must first determine whether they are eligible for an extension. They can do this by visiting the UK government’s website or speaking with an immigration adviser in their university. Suppose they are eligible for an extension. In that case, they must apply for the visa extension at the UK visa application centre in Hong Kong.

When applying in Hong Kong, students must complete and submit the necessary forms, including a visa application form and a declaration form. They must also provide additional supporting documents, such as their passport, current visa, proof of enrolment in the school, and financial documents showing they can support themselves during the extended period of stay.

After submitting their application and paying the appropriate fee, students will receive an appointment to attend an interview at the application centre. The interview is an opportunity to discuss the documents and give the applicant an opportunity to explain any inconsistencies or discrepancies in their application.

Once the application is approved, the student will receive a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) that replaces their current visa. The permit includes their photograph, fingerprints, and personal details, allowing them to prove their right to study in the UK without the need to carry their passport around.


Applying for a study visa extension in Hong Kong can be a complex and demanding process, but it is a necessary step for students who need more time to complete their degree or have encountered unexpected personal challenges.

By being fully informed and prepared, students can increase their chances of obtaining a visa extension, allowing them to stay in the UK and complete their studies. It is essential to seek guidance from an immigration adviser or the UK government’s website to help navigate the process successfully.



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