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發布于:2024-12-22 作者:小途 閱讀:4


Traveling to Japan is a dream for many people as the country boasts of a rich culture, vibrant cities, and picturesque landscapes. However, to travel to Japan, you need to have a visa that permits you entry into the country. This article will share the experience of a student from Southwest University of Finance and Economics who successfully obtained a student visa to Japan.

Application Process

Applying for a student visa to Japan can be an intricate and tedious process, requiring careful attention to detail and the compilation of numerous application materials. The student from Southwest University of Finance and Economics had to submit several documents, including a valid passport, a certificate of enrollment from the university, a letter of recommendation, and a statement of purpose for studying in Japan.

The student initially submitted the application documents to the Consulate-General of Japan in Chongqing, where they were reviewed by the consular staff. The student was then scheduled for an interview to discuss their motivation for studying in Japan, future career goals, and academic background.

Interview Experience

The interview is a crucial part of the application process, as it helps the consular staff to determine the student’s eligibility for a student visa. The student from Southwest University of Finance and Economics described their interview experience as daunting, as they were uncertain about the questions that would be asked.

During the interview, the consular staff asked questions concerning the student’s academic background, their motivation for studying in Japan, and their future career plans. Additionally, the staff also enquired about the student’s Japanese language proficiency, as proficiency in the Japanese language is essential for studying in Japan.


After the interview, the student had to wait for approximately two weeks to receive news about the visa application’s outcome. Finally, the student received the good news- their visa application had been accepted, and they could proceed with their plans to study in Japan.

The student from Southwest University of Finance and Economics was delighted about receiving the visa, as it was the realization of a long-held dream of studying in Japan. Obtaining the visa allowed them to travel to Japan and immerse themselves in the country’s rich culture and history, as well as enhance their academic and professional prospects.


Obtaining a student visa to Japan requires a lot of effort, as it involves compiling numerous application materials and undergoing an interview process. Nevertheless, with determination, careful attention to detail, and adequate preparation, anyone can successfully obtain a visa to study in Japan. The experience of the student from Southwest University of Finance and Economics is a testament to this fact.



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