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發布于:2024-12-21 作者:小途 閱讀:2


Traveling to the UK on a tourist visa is a dream come true for many people. However, the rules and regulations surrounding visa applications and extensions can be daunting. If you wish to extend your UK tourist visa, this guide will walk you through the process step-by-step.

When Should You Apply for an Extension?

The UK government requires that you apply for a visa extension at least two weeks before your current visa expires. If you fail to do so, you could face penalties or even be banned from entering the UK again. It’s important to note that you cannot extend your visa if you have already overstayed the original visa’s validity period.

Eligibility Requirements for a Tourist Visa Extension

To be eligible for a tourist visa extension, you must meet the following requirements:

You must be in the UK

You must have a valid passport

You must not have breached any immigration laws during your stay

You must have enough funds to support your stay in the UK

Note that you will also be required to provide evidence of financial support in the form of bank statements, as well as proof of your travel plans. You will also need to provide reasons for your visa extension and demonstrate that you are a genuine visitor to the UK.

How to Apply for a Tourist Visa Extension

To apply for a tourist visa extension, you will need to complete the online application form on the UK government website. You will need to provide the following information:

Your personal details

Your current visa details

Details of any previous visa applications

Your reasons for extending your visa

Evidence of your financial support

Details of your travel plans

Once you have completed the online application form, you will need to pay the application fee. The fee will depend on the length of your visa extension and whether you are applying by post or in person at a UK visa application center.

What Happens Next?

After you have submitted your application, you will receive a confirmation email. Your application will then be reviewed by UK Visas and Immigration. You may also be asked to attend an interview or provide additional documentation if required.

It’s important to note that the processing time for a tourist visa extension can vary depending on your individual circumstances. You should therefore ensure that you apply well in advance of your visa expiry date to avoid any delays or complications.


Extending your UK tourist visa can be a straightforward process if you meet the eligibility requirements and follow the application process correctly. However, it’s important to remember that the UK government takes immigration laws very seriously, so make sure that you comply with all rules and regulations.



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