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發布于:2024-12-21 作者:小途 閱讀:4


Visiting the United Kingdom can be quite an exciting experience, but if you are planning to stay for an extended period, you may need to obtain a visa. The process of obtaining a visa can be quite complicated, especially if you are unfamiliar with the UK’s visa requirements. One of the crucial aspects that you need to be aware of is how long you can stay on a UK visa and what the maximum duration of stay in the UK is. In this article, we will explore the UK visa’s maximum duration and the longest allowed period of stay in the UK.

Types of UK Visas

Before delving into the maximum period of stay in the UK, it is essential to know the different types of UK visas available. The type of visa you apply for will depend on the reason for your visit and the duration of your stay. The main types of UK visas include:

Visitor visa

Study visa

Work visa

Family visa

The Maximum Duration of Stay in the UK

The maximum duration of stay in the UK depends on the type of visa you have been granted. For a standard visitor visa, the maximum duration of stay is six months, and you are not allowed to extend your stay past the six-month period. However, if you have been granted a long-term visit visa, you can stay in the UK for up to 11 months. The long-term visit visa is suitable for individuals who have a frequent need to visit the UK, such as businesspeople or those with family in the UK.

If you have been granted a student visa, you can stay in the UK for the duration of your course. That means that if you are undertaking a three-year degree, you can stay in the UK for three years. However, if your course is shorter than six months, you can stay in the UK for an additional seven days after your course ends.

For a work visa, the maximum duration of stay depends on the type of visa and the category you fall under. For instance, if you are granted a Tier 2 visa, you can stay in the UK for up to five years and 14 days, after which you must leave or apply for an extension. However, if you are an intra-company transfer, you can stay for up to nine years, if paid over £120,000 per year.

Extension of Stay in the UK

If you wish to extend your stay in the UK, you must apply for an extension before your visa expires. Extending your visa will depend on your situation and the type of visa you hold. If you have a visitor visa, you can apply for an extension to stay for up to six months, and a long-term visitor visa can be extended up to 12 months. However, for most other visa types, including student and work visas, you can only extend your visa under specific circumstances, such as from transitional arrangements to permanent residency.


In conclusion, the maximum duration of stay in the UK varies by visa type, with the shortest duration of six months for standard visitor visas and the longest duration of up to nine years for intra-company transfer visas. If you are planning to stay in the UK beyond your visa’s expiry date, you must apply for an extension. It is important to note that overstaying your visa is a violation of UK immigration laws and could lead to detention, deportation, or future visa refusals. Therefore, it is crucial to comply with the UK visa’s maximum duration of stay and to adhere to all the visa regulations.



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