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發布于:2024-12-19 作者:小途 閱讀:2


Many UK citizens plan to visit Hong Kong, either for leisure, business or to transit to other destinations in Asia. A common question among them is whether their UK visa allows them to enter Hong Kong. In this article, we will investigate this issue comprehensively to provide you with a clear answer.

What is the Visa Policy in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of China and has a separate visa policy from Mainland China. Most UK citizens can enter Hong Kong without a visa and stay for up to 6 months. This is known as visa-free entry. Visitors must have a valid travel document, sufficient funds to cover their stay in Hong Kong, and proof of onward transportation. However, some UK nationals may be required to obtain a visa before traveling to Hong Kong.

What are the UK Visa Requirements?

UK citizens require a visa to enter some countries, but generally have visa-free access to a vast majority of destinations worldwide, including Hong Kong. Therefore, having a UK visa does not automatically give you the right to enter Hong Kong.

Can You Enter Hong Kong with a UK Visa?

UK citizens who hold a valid passport can enter Hong Kong without a visa and stay for up to 6 months. However, if you are a UK citizen but hold a non-British passport, you may be required to obtain a visa before traveling to Hong Kong. Also, if you plan to stay in Hong Kong for more than 6 months, or wish to engage in employment or study, you will need to apply for a relevant visa.


In conclusion, UK citizens can enter Hong Kong without a visa for up to 6 months. A UK visa is not a guarantee for entry into Hong Kong and does not exempt you from fulfilling Hong Kong’s visa requirements. It is essential to check the latest visa policy updates before traveling to Hong Kong to ensure that you meet all the entry requirements.



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