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發布于:2024-12-19 作者:小途 閱讀:1


The Brexit referendum in 2016 shocked the world, and the decision to leave the European Union (EU) was a significant event. Since then, there have been many uncertainties and implications regarding the relationship between the United Kingdom (UK) and the EU. One of the main considerations is the impact on UK immigration and visa policies for individuals wishing to work or study in the UK.

Changes to the UK Immigration System

After Brexit, the UK government aims to create a new points-based immigration system that treats all migrants equally, regardless of their country of origin. Under this system, applicants must accrue a certain number of points based on their occupation, level of ability, and language proficiency. This system is set to launch in 2024 and aims to make it easier for highly skilled workers to obtain visas for both short and long-term stays in the UK.

Impact on EU Citizens

EU citizens can still enter the UK without a visa for short stays but will require a visa for long-term studies or work permits. However, the UK government is also offering the EU Settlement Scheme, which grants EU citizens the right to stay in the UK post-Brexit. EU citizens must apply before 30 June 2024 to maintain their status. Furthermore, EU citizens who have spent fewer than five years in the UK are eligible for pre-settled status, while those who have been in the UK for more than five years qualify for settled status.

Impact on Non-EU Citizens

Non-EU citizens will also encounter significant changes to their visa applications. The government has announced that the Tier 1 (Investor) visa and Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) visa would be terminated. The government has proposed replacing these visas with a new Startup Visa or Innovator Visa, allowing entrepreneurs and investors to continue working in the UK by meeting the eligibility criteria. In addition, non-EU citizens must also meet the new point-based immigration system and accrue enough points to be eligible for a visa.


The UK’s departure from the European Union has created significant changes to the country’s immigration and visa policies. The introduction of a points-based immigration system and modifications to visa classifications would impact people’s eligibility to work and study in the UK. EU citizens eligible for the EU Settlement scheme can maintain their status in the UK post-Brexit. Also, non-EU citizens can apply for a visa by meeting the eligibility criteria. It is currently too early to predict the long-term impact of these changes. However, going forward, individuals and employers must keep up with the new legislation and compliance requirements to work, study or invest in the UK.



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