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發布于:2024-12-17 作者:小途 閱讀:3


The United Kingdom, as one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, attracts tens of millions of visitors each year from all corners of the globe. For a family member living in the UK, visiting their relatives could be an important and meaningful event. Luckily, the UK offers a visitor visa, referred to as a Standard Visitor visa, which enables foreign nationals to visit the UK to see family members, enjoy the scenic beauty or attend a special event.

What is a UK Standard Visitor visa?

A UK Standard Visitor visa is a type of visitor visa that allows applicants to come to the UK for a visit for up to six months. The visa allows them to visit family members, travel, and attend events or conferences. There is also an option for a long-term Standard Visitor visa, which allows multiple entries to the UK over a period of one, two, five, or ten years.

Multiple Entry

If you are visiting the UK multiple times a year, you can apply for a UK Standard Visitor visa with a validity of two, five or ten years. This visa is ideal for frequent flyers, and as the name suggests, the visa holder can enter the UK multiple times during the validity period. However, each stay must not exceed 6 months on each visit.

Eligibility and Documents Required

In order to apply for a UK Standard Visitor visa, applicants need to meet certain eligibility conditions. They must, for example:

Have a valid reason for visiting the UK

Have enough money to support themselves while they are in the UK

Intend to leave the UK at the end of their visit

Have documents that prove their intentions

Documents required for a UK Standard Visitor visa application include, but are not limited to:

Proof of financial support

Return air tickets or other travel tickets

Accommodation bookings

Evidence of a stable job or business

Invitation letter from UK sponsor (if applicable)

Procedure for Application

To apply for a UK Standard Visitor visa, one needs to follow these simple steps:

Fill out the online application form and pay the fee

Schedule an appointment at a visa application center

Submit the documents required

Attend an interview (if applicable)

The processing time for a UK Standard Visitor visa could vary depending on the country of application, but it generally takes 15 working days. In some cases, applicants might be asked to attend an interview to clarify any doubts or suspicion that the visa officer has.


Applying for a UK Standard Visitor visa could be an easy and straightforward process once the eligibility conditions are met, and the required documents are in place. A standard visitor visa with multiple entries over an extended period is an excellent solution for frequent visitors who always want to visit their loved ones in the UK. As always, it is crucial to plan and prepare beforehand to avoid any potential issues that might arise, which could affect the success of your visa application.



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