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英拉提供10年簽證,Thailand offers 10-year visas as a permanent residence

發布于:2024-12-15 作者:小途 閱讀:5
英拉提供10年簽證,Thailand offers 10-year visas as a permanent residence


In a bid to attract wealthy expats, Thailand announced in August 2016 that it was offering a 10-year visa for foreigners aged 50 or over. This move was seen as a game changer for long-stay tourists and retirees who are looking for a warmer, cheaper and more welcoming place to live in.

The Criteria for the Visa

To qualify for the 10-year visa, applicants must be aged 50 or above, have a monthly income of at least 100,000 baht ($3,000) or have bank deposits of at least 3 million baht ($90,000). Applicants must be able to prove that they have no criminal record and that they are in good health.

Benefits of the Visa

There are several benefits of the 10-year visa for foreigners who plan to live in Thailand on a long-term basis. Firstly, it provides them with the opportunity to stay in the country for an extended period of time without having to leave and come back every few months. Secondly, it allows them to work or start a business in Thailand without having to obtain a work permit. Thirdly, it provides them with access to the Thai healthcare system, which is affordable and of a good standard. Fourthly, it allows them to take advantage of the lower cost of living in Thailand compared to their home country. Lastly, it provides them with a sense of belonging and security as a permanent resident of Thailand.

The Impact of the Visa

Since its introduction, the 10-year visa has had a positive impact on Thailand’s economy and touri *** industry. It has attracted more wealthy expats to the country, who are willing to invest in property and businesses. It has also increased the spending power of retirees, who bring in a steady flow of income from their pensions and savings. This has created a demand for luxury goods and services, which has boosted the local economy. Additionally, the visa has helped to improve the country’s image as a retirement destination, as it provides foreigners with a clear path to long-term residency in Thailand.

Challenges Faced by Foreigners Living in Thailand

Despite the benefits of the 10-year visa, foreigners living in Thailand face several challenges. Firstly, there is a language barrier, as not all Thais speak English and expats may have difficulty communicating with locals. Secondly, there is the issue of cultural difference, as Thailand has a unique culture and way of life that may take some getting used to. Thirdly, there is the risk of scams and fraud, as foreigners may be targeted by con artists who take advantage of their lack of knowledge about local customs and laws. Lastly, there is the issue of healthcare, as the quality of healthcare in some parts of Thailand may not be up to the standards that some expats are used to.


Thailand’s 10-year visa offers a great opportunity for foreigners who are looking for a welcoming and affordable place to live in. With its warm climate, friendly people, and low cost of living, Thailand is one of the top retirement destinations in the world. However, it is important for foreigners to understand the challenges that they may face when living in Thailand, and to take steps to overcome them.



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