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發布于:2024-12-15 作者:小途 閱讀:5


Traveling to the United Kingdom, for whatever reason, often requires a visa, and these visas are issued based on strict guidelines set by the UK government. Recently in 2024, the UK has implemented a new visa policy that requires more stringent identity verification procedures for those applying for visas. The following article will discuss the new policy and the impact it may have on those seeking to travel to the UK.

The New Policy

The updated visa policy was implemented to prevent illegal immigration and maintain a higher level of security for the country. The new policy requires that all visa applicants provide more detailed personal information and undergo additional checks before being issued a visa. The applicants must also now provide biometric data, including fingerprints and photographs, which will be electronically stored in a secure database.

The policy applies to all visa categories, including student visas, work visas, and tourist visas. In addition to biometric data, applicants must provide supporting documentation that proves they have enough financial resources to cover their stay in the UK, any healthcare fees that may be incurred, and valid travel insurance.

The Impact

Although the new policy is intended to improve security and prevent illegal immigration, it may cause additional delays in visa processing and increase the cost of obtaining a visa. The processing time for applications may increase as additional checks and documentation are required, so it’s essential for applicants to apply with sufficient time before their intended travel date.

In addition to delays, the cost of obtaining a visa may also increase. Additional documentation, biometric data collection, and technology required for electronic storage come at an additional cost, which is likely to be passed on to applicants in the form of higher visa fees.

The Benefits

While the new policy may present some challenges and uncertainties, it does have potential benefits. The new identity verification procedure will help prevent fraud and ensure that those entering the UK do so legally. The policy may also help to enhance national security and improve public safety. By collecting and storing biometric data, UK authorities will be able to more effectively monitor individuals entering and exiting the country.

Moreover, the policy will help deter those who wish to enter the UK illegally or those who may have negative intentions towards the country and people. By implementing additional checks and requiring more personal information, the UK government can better understand who is entering the country and why, which can lead to improved visa procedures and a safer, more secure UK.


The new UK visa policy in 2024 requires more stringent identity verification procedures for applicants, including biometric data and detailed supporting documentation. While this may cause delays and higher costs for applicants, it can help prevent illegal immigration and increase public safety. As with any new policy, there may be some uncertainties, but overall, the benefits are likely to outweigh the challenges.



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