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發布于:2024-12-14 作者:小途 閱讀:9


For those who have applied for a UK visa, waiting for the document’s arrival can be nerve-racking. Fortunately, it is possible to track the delivery of your UK visa through a tracking number provided by the visa application centre.

Step-by-Step Guide to Track UK Visa Courier

Here are the detailed steps to follow if you want to track the delivery of your UK visa courier:

Step 1: Locate your visa application centre

You must know the visa application centre the visa was processed. The centre will be responsible for the delivery of your visa documents. If you do not know which visa application centre processed your application, you can check on your visa decision letter.

Step 2: Visit the appropriate courier website

You will need to visit the courier website associated with the visa application centre that processed your application. Popular courier services like DHL, TNT, or FedEx can be used for the delivery of UK visas. Some of the courier websites are:

DHL: http://www.dhl.co.uk

TNT: http://www.tnt.com

FedEx: http://www.fedex.com

Step 3: Input required details

You will be required to input the tracking number provided by the visa application centre into the courier website. The tracking number can either be found on your received email, SMS, or within the visa application centre’s courier return form. It would be best to keep checking the courier website for updated status on your visa.

Step 4: Status updates

Once you have inputted the tracking number provided, you will be able to view the status of your visa courier. You are encouraged to check the status update regularly to track the visa’s location to know when it would arrive. You can also sign up for email and text message alerts to stay updated on your visa courier’s progress.


After following these steps, you should be able to track and know the whereabouts of your UK visa courier. Please note that delivery times may vary based on the courier service used and your location. However, tracking your visa courier will help reduce any unnecessary stress that comes with waiting for a visa to arrive.



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