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發布于:2024-12-14 作者:小途 閱讀:7


The United Kingdom is a popular destination for people who wish to migrate and settle in the country. As a non-UK citizen, one of the requirements to live in the country is obtaining a UK citizenship. To get a UK citizenship, you will need to apply for a UK citizen visa. One of the essential requirements for obtaining a UK citizenship via visa is providing the right photograph. This article provides a comprehensive guide on the UK citizen visa photo requirements and also showcases some images as examples.

UK Citizen Visa Photo Requirements

As previously stated, one of the essential documents you’ll need to provide when applying for a UK citizen visa is a photograph. Here are a few requirements for obtaining a UK citizen visa:

The photo must be in color

It must not be modified or edited in any way

The photo must be taken recently

The background of the photo should be plain cream or light grey

Your face should be visible and your eyes should be open

You should be looking straight ahead

The photo must be of the head and shoulders of the person only

You should not be wearing sunglasses or a hat

Examples of UK Citizen Visa Photos

Here are some examples of photos that are acceptable under the UK citizen visa photo requirements.

Example 1: The photo clearly shows the head and shoulders of the person. The background is plain and light. The person is looking straight at the camera, and their face is visible.

Example 2: This photo also meets the UK citizen visa photo requirements. The background is plain, and the person’s face is visible with their eyes open. The person is looking straight ahead.

Example 3: This is another example of a UK citizen visa photo that meets all requirements. The person is looking straight ahead, and their face is visible. The background is plain, and there are no visual distractions.


Providing the right photo is essential when applying for a UK citizen visa. Ensure that your photo meets all the requirements and is of high quality. Check the guidelines thoroughly and ensure there are no mistakes in the photo before submitting it. With this guide, we hope that you can apply and obtain a UK citizen visa without issues.



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