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發布于:2024-12-14 作者:小途 閱讀:2


When applying for a UK visa, one important aspect to consider is the payment method. Traditionally, visa fees were paid in advance, but the UK government introduced an option to pay the fee through a current or “checking” account. In this article, we will explore this option in more detail and discuss its advantages and disadvantages.

What is a current account?

A current account is a type of bank account that allows deposits and withdrawals to be made frequently. It is designed for daily financial transactions and usually comes with a debit card and an overdraft facility. It is also known as a “checking” account in some countries.

How to pay for UK visa using a current account?

If you choose to pay for your UK visa application using a current account, you need to follow these steps:

Select “current account” as the payment method when filling out your online visa application.

Print a copy of the payment guidance, which will contain a unique reference number (URN).

Take the guidance to your bank and transfer the fee to the UK government’s account using the URN as the reference.

Advantages of paying with a current account

There are a few advantages of choosing to pay for your UK visa using a current account:

It is a more flexible payment method as you can pay closer to the date of your appointment.

You can make the payment in your local currency, which means you don’t have to worry about exchange rates.

If your visa application is refused, the fee will be refunded directly to your account.

Disadvantages of paying with a current account

It is important to consider the potential drawbacks when choosing to pay for your UK visa application using a current account:

You need to have a current account with sufficient funds to cover the visa fee and any transaction fees.

You may be charged additional fees by your bank for the transfer, which can make the overall cost higher.

If you make an error in the payment process, it can be more difficult to rectify.


The option to pay for your UK visa using a current or checking account provides more flexibility and convenience to applicants. However, it is important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages before choosing this payment method. Ultimately, the decision will depend on your personal circumstances and preferences.



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