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發布于:2024-12-13 作者:小途 閱讀:9


Buying property in the UK has always been a popular investment option for many individuals around the world. One of the biggest advantages of investing in UK property is the potential to gain a long-term visa or settlement status in the country. In this article, we will explore the question of whether buying a property in the UK can lead to a long-term visa and settlement status.

UK Investment Visa

The UK provides an investment visa option, known as the Tier 1 Investor Visa. This visa allows individuals to enter the UK and invest a minimum of £2 million into qualifying UK investments such as government bonds, share capital or loan capital in active and trading UK registered companies. The visa is granted for a period of three years and four months, and can be extended for an additional two years.

Property Investment and the UK Visa

Investing in UK property does not automatically provide an investor with a long-term visa or settlement status. However, owning a property in the UK can contribute to an investor’s overall application for a Tier 1 Investor Visa. An investor who owns a property in the UK can receive additional points towards their visa application, and the value of the property can also be included in the total investment amount.

Eligibility for the Tier 1 Investor Visa

To be eligible for the Tier 1 Investor Visa, an applicant must meet certain criteria, including having a minimum of £2 million available to invest in the UK. The investment must be made within three months of arriving in the UK, and the investor must maintain an investment of at least £2 million throughout the duration of their visa.

Benefits of a UK Visa

A UK visa provides a variety of benefits to investors, including the ability to reside and work in the UK, as well as the ability to travel in and out of the country without any restrictions. In addition, the visa can lead to settlement status, which can provide an investor with the ability to remain in the UK indefinitely with access to public services and the ability to apply for citizenship after a certain period of time.


While investing in UK property does not automatically provide an investor with a long-term visa or settlement status, it can contribute to an overall application for a Tier 1 Investor Visa. The visa provides many benefits to investors, including the ability to reside and work in the UK, as well as the potential for settlement status and citizenship. As always, it is important to seek legal advice and guidance to fully understand the requirements and process for obtaining a UK visa through investment in property.



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