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發(fā)布于:2024-12-10 作者:小途 閱讀:12


For those planning to accompany their partners or spouses who are studying in the United Kingdom, an important consideration is the length of a UK Dependent Visa or UK Spouse Visa, commonly referred to as a UK Family Visa. The validity of the visa affects the duration of stay in the UK, which is crucial for planning one’s education, work and personal life. In this article, we will explore the validity of a UK Dependent Visa and UK Spouse Visa and the factors that affect the duration of the visa.

Validity of UK Dependent Visa and UK Spouse Visa

A UK Dependent Visa or UK Spouse Visa is usually issued for a specific period of time, which is the validity of the visa. In general, the validity of a UK Dependent Visa or UK Spouse Visa is linked to the duration of the main applicant’s visa, i.e. the student visa or work visa. The maximum validity of a UK Dependent Visa or UK Spouse Visa is five years, which is the same as the maximum duration of a Tier 2 (General) visa that the main applicant can have.

Factors that Affect the Duration of UK Dependent Visa and UK Spouse Visa

There are several factors that can affect the duration of a UK Dependent Visa or UK Spouse Visa:

Duration of the main applicant’s visa: As mentioned earlier, the duration of the UK Dependent Visa or UK Spouse Visa is linked to the duration of the main applicant’s visa. If the main applicant’s visa is granted for a shorter period, the dependent visa will also have a shorter validity.

Financial requirements: The UK government requires that the main applicant has enough funds to support their dependents during their stay in the UK. These requirements may change from time to time, so it is important to check the latest financial requirements before applying for a dependent visa.

Relationship status: The relationship status of the dependent visa applicant can also affect the duration of the visa. For example, if the applicant is in a civil partnership with the main applicant, they may be eligible for a longer validity of the visa compared to someone who is in a dating relationship.

Application fee: The application fee for a UK Dependent Visa or UK Spouse Visa can vary based on the duration of the visa. A longer validity of the visa may require a higher application fee.

Renewing a UK Dependent Visa or UK Spouse Visa

When the UK Dependent Visa or UK Spouse Visa is about to expire, the dependent can apply to renew the visa to extend their stay in the UK. The renewal application must be submitted before the expiry date of the current visa, and the process involves the same steps as applying for the initial visa. The renewal visa will have a validity that depends on the duration of the main applicant’s visa and the other factors mentioned above.


The maximum validity of a UK Dependent Visa or UK Spouse Visa is five years, and the duration of the visa is linked to the main applicant’s visa, financial requirements, relationship status and application fee. Renewing the visa is possible, and the validity of the renewal visa will depend on the same factors as the initial visa. It is important to keep these factors in mind when applying for a UK Dependent Visa or UK Spouse Visa to ensure a *** ooth and hassle-free stay in the UK.



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