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美國黃金簽證難嗎英文,Difficulty of obtaining a US Golden Visa

發布于:2024-12-10 作者:小途 閱讀:9
美國黃金簽證難嗎英文,Difficulty of obtaining a US Golden Visa


The US Golden Visa program is an investor visa that provides a path to permanent residency in the United States for foreign nationals who invest a significant amount of money in the country. The program has gained immense popularity among wealthy individuals around the world who are seeking to gain a foothold in the US. However, obtaining a Golden Visa is not an easy process, and there are several challenges that investors may face while trying to secure one. This article will explore the difficulty of obtaining a US Golden Visa.

Overview of the US Golden Visa Program

The US Golden Visa program, also known as the EB-5 visa program, was created by Congress in 1990 to encourage foreign investment in the US. The program provides a pathway to permanent residency for foreign nationals who invest a minimum of $900,000 in a US business that will create at least ten jobs in the US within two years. The investment amount was increased from $500,000 to $900,000 in November 2024. The program has two main components: the Regional Center Program and the Direct Investment Program.

Challenges in Obtaining a Golden Visa

While the Golden Visa program provides a great opportunity for wealthy investors to gain permanent residency in the US, obtaining one is not easy. There are several challenges that investors may face, including:

Congestion: The demand for Golden Visas is high, and the quotas are limited. In recent years, the backlog for processing applications has increased, and the wait times are getting longer. This can create a significant challenge for investors who want to get their Golden Visa as quickly as possible.

Stringent Rules: The rules and regulations governing the Golden Visa program are strict and complicated. Investors must meet several eligibility requirements, such as demonstrating the source of their funds and proving that their investment will create the required number of jobs in the US. This can be a daunting task for many investors who may not be familiar with US immigration laws.

Risk: Investors who participate in the Golden Visa program may face substantial risks. Not all investments turn out as expected, and if an investor’s chosen business fails, they may lose their investment and their chances of getting a Golden Visa. It’s important to note that the Golden Visa program is an investment-based immigration program, not a guaranteed return on investment program.


The US Golden Visa program provides a great opportunity for wealthy individuals around the world to gain permanent residency in the US. However, obtaining a Golden Visa is not an easy process and comes with several challenges. Investors must navigate the strict rules and regulations governing the program, as well as the risk of losing their investment. Despite these challenges, the Golden Visa program remains an attractive option for foreign nationals seeking to gain a foothold in the US.



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