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發布于:2024-12-02 作者:小途 閱讀:44


Applying for an urgent visa to the UK is a nerve-wracking process. From gathering all the necessary documents to navigating the complex application system, the process can be challenging. However, when applicants do not receive a confirmation SMS after submitting their application, it can lead to feelings of anxiety and concern.

What is an Urgent Visa?

As the name suggests, an urgent visa is a type of visa that is processed quicker than standard processing times. Typically, an urgent visa application can be processed within 24 – 48 hours, depending on the applicant’s circumstances and the type of visa applied for.

When applying for an urgent visa, applicants must provide evidence of their need to travel quickly, such as a medical emergency or a business trip with a tight deadline. Applicants must also pay an additional fee for urgent processing.

The Importance of the Confirmation SMS

After submitting an urgent visa application, applicants are usually sent a confirmation SMS to their registered phone number. The SMS confirms that the application has been received and is being processed. It also provides a reference number that the applicant can use to track the status of their application.

When an applicant does not receive this confirmation SMS, it can be alarming. It may mean that their application has not been received or that there is an issue with their application. It can lead to feelings of uncertainty and helplessness, as they do not have a way to track their application.

Reasons Why the Confirmation SMS may not be Received

There may be several reasons why an applicant does not receive the confirmation SMS after submitting their urgent visa application. One common reason is that there may be a delay in sending the SMS due to high volumes of applications. Applicants should wait for at least 24 hours before raising concerns about the SMS not being received.

In some cases, the applicant may have entered an incorrect phone number during the application process. It is important to double-check the phone number before submitting the application. Additionally, the applicant may not have sufficient network coverage in their area, which can lead to delays in receiving SMS messages.

What to do if the Confirmation SMS is not Received

If an applicant does not receive the confirmation SMS after submitting their urgent visa application, they should first check whether the fee for the SMS service was paid during the application process. If the fee was not paid, the SMS service may not have been activated, and the applicant should contact the relevant authority to resolve the issue.

If the applicant has confirmed that the fee for the SMS service was paid and they still have not received the SMS, they should contact the authority processing their application. The authority can provide an update on the status of the application and confirm whether there are any issues that need to be resolved.


Not receiving the confirmation SMS after submitting an urgent visa application can be nerve-wracking. However, there are several reasons why the SMS may not have been received, and solutions to resolve the issue. Applicants should remain patient and contact the relevant authority if they have concerns about their application.



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