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發布于:2024-12-02 作者:小途 閱讀:3


In the past, obtaining a UK visa often required an in-person interview. This could be a lengthy and stressful process for applicants, involving lengthy wait times and additional expenses. However, recent changes in UK visa regulations mean that applicants may no longer need to attend an in-person interview. In this article, we’ll explore how you can now apply for a UK visa without a face-to-face interview.

What Is the New UK Visa Application Process?

Under the new UK visa application process, applicants are no longer required to attend an in-person interview at a visa application center. Instead, applicants now have two options:

1. Apply online and submit your supporting documents electronically.

2. Use the new UK Visa and Citizenship Application Service, which allows you to complete the entire application process (including biometrics) online.

The new process is designed to be more convenient and user-friendly for applicants. With the ability to complete the entire application process online, applicants are no longer required to take time off work or travel long distances to attend an appointment at a visa application center.

What Are the Advantages of the New UK Visa Application Process?

There are several advantages to the new UK visa application process, including:

1. Time savings: The new process allows applicants to complete the entire application process online, which saves time and reduces stress.

2. Convenience: Applicants can now apply for a UK visa from the comfort of their own homes, rather than having to travel to a visa application center for an in-person interview.

3. Cost-savings: The new process eliminates the need for in-person interviews, which reduces the overall cost of the visa application process.

4. Flexibility: The new process allows applicants to submit their supporting documents electronically, which means they can apply for a UK visa from anywhere in the world.

Do I Still Need to Provide Biometrics Under the New UK Visa Application Process?

Yes, applicants are still required to provide biometrics under the new UK visa application process. However, the new process allows applicants to provide their biometrics from the comfort of their own homes. When applying online, applicants will be provided with a unique reference number that they can use to book a biometric appointment at a designated location.


In short, the new UK visa application process is designed to be more efficient, cost-effective, and convenient for applicants. With the ability to complete the entire application process online, applicants no longer need to attend an in-person interview or travel long distances. And with the option to provide biometrics from their own homes, the process is more flexible than ever before.



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