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航空發展的意義英語作文 航空發展的意義英語作文怎么寫

發布于:2024-09-10 作者:小途 閱讀:8
航空發展的意義英語作文 航空發展的意義英語作文怎么寫

一、航空英語作文1. Good morning.早晨好。Welcome to China歡迎來中國。Good-bye. Have a time.再見,祝您旅途愉快2. Good morning. What can I do for you ?早晨好,能幫您什


1. Good morning.早晨好。Welcome to China歡迎來中國。Good-bye. Have a time.再見,祝您旅途愉快

2. Good morning. What can I do for you ?早晨好,能幫您什麼忙?Please wait a moment請稍等。

3. Please come in.請進。Please have a look請看看。Please sit down.請坐。This way please.請走這邊。

4. Thank you for your cooperation感謝您合作。Never mind.不用謝。

5. Would you please back off a little?請向后退一下。Please be in order, one by one.請按順序,一個接一個。


Any individual in China will be deeply impressed by the scene portrayed in the picture,which is immensely exciting and spectacular.This vivid drawing symbolizes the progress of our science and technology,and especially the achievements of our space exploration.We conquered the space,and the conquest represents a visible proof of our nation’s strength and prosperity.

The advances of our space technology will be of great benefit to us in the long run.Thanks to communications satellites,we can see television pictures transmitted live half-way across the globe.






An essential quality for young people is diligence.Nowdays,the issue on the most important personal quality of young people is highly debatable,and ideas vary from peerson to person. Some would claim that confidence is the most essential. But for my part,the most essential quality for young people is diligence that helps us a lot.

  Diligence enables us to academic results. As we all know,academic results requires lots of researches. An ancient calligraphy,named Wang Xizhi,devoted lots of his time practicing writing. As is known to us all,he dried his pool with his writing brush day after day. Though diligence,he became the greatest calligraphy,finally.

  Deligence helps us to achieve better scores in school. Last semester,one of my fellow students failed to pass the Listening cours. In fact, questions set in that paper were not very difficultt. If she had spent a little more time listening rather than watching TV at her dorm,she could have passed the exam. On the other hand,one of my roomates worked hard every day and got a high score.

  Diligence provides us more chancs to be succeed. As the saying goes “The early bird catch the worm”. A diligent man may get up early and have more time to improve himself. And that is the key to be succeed. If

  we spend some time observing people around us,we can easily find some people,just like Li Jiachen,are diligence and successful.

  All in all,as a young people,once we have cultivated the essential quality of diligence,we can achieve academic achievements,get a high score and have more chances to be succeed. Once we have this essential quality:diligence,it do helps us a lot in many ways.



Yesterday was Tree Planting Day. The teachers asked us to plant trees at the corner of our playground. At 3:00 in the afternoon, we got there. Our teacher showed us how to plant trees,then we started to do it. Some dug the pits, some put trees in them and others watered them. We planted a lot of trees. When we finished our work, it was nearly dark.




Aviation rocket, also known as aviation rocket, consists of fuze, warhead, rocket engine and stabilizing device, etc.

It is a guided or unguided rocket weapon which is launched by carrier aircraft in the air and attacks targets in the air or on the ground or on the sea surface.

It is mainly launched from the launcher hanging under the fuselage or wing. Generally, the projectile body is relatively small and the launcher is streamlined.

The range of an aviation rocket is generally 7 ~ 10 kilometers, and the maximum speed is m2 ~ 3. According to the purpose, it can be divided into air-to-air rockets, air-to-ground rockets and air-to-air rockets.





Subway makes our way home more fun,let us then have more time to enjoy life,Metro construction perfect matching circle,will make our life more comfortable.


With the rapid development of science and technology and the popularity of the Internet, watching movies has become one of the most popular forms of entertainment in my opinion. First of all, we can get some benefits from watching movies. Watching movies is a way to broaden our horizons by watching different types of films.

We can appreciate the differences between different countries, dynasties, regions and industries Secondly, we can learn some useful things from the movies. We can solve the problems in our life by watching some movies closely related to our life. We can learn some lessons from the methods of solving problems in movies.

Finally, this is an effective way to develop our imagination. For example, through watching sci-fi movies, we have the opportunity to get in touch with the imaginary world and some new ideals. This has a great contribution to stimulating our interest and imagination.

The benefits of watching movies lie not only in relaxation and entertainment, but also in other aspects. Therefore, we should think about electricity after watching movies What did shadow learn.


the development of car. in the past. there was no car



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