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發布于:2024-12-15 作者:小途 閱讀:8


Many individuals who plan to travel to the United Kingdom wonder whether they need to wait for notification when their visa is ready for collection or if they can simply collect it themselves. This article will explore the process of collecting a UK visa and answer the question of whether there is notification for self-collected visas.

Self Collection of UK Visas

Individuals can choose to collect their UK visa in person from the visa application centre where they initially submitted their application or from an alternative location specified on the visa application form. The process of self-collection involves an individual presenting their passport and visa application reference number at the designated collection point. The visa can then be collected, and the individual’s passport will be endorsed with the visa.

Notification of Self-Collect Visas

Unlike the procedure for postal visa applications, there is no notification for individuals who have chosen to collect their UK visa in person. Individuals simply need to keep a check on the progress of their visa application through the visa application centre’s online tracking system or by calling the visa application centre helpline. Once the visa application status has been updated to “decision made,” it means that the visa is ready for collection, and the individual can proceed to collect it in person.

Benefits of Self Collection

One of the primary advantages of self-collection is that it is quicker than postal delivery. Individuals can often collect their visa on the same day as the decision is made, whereas postal delivery can take several days or even weeks, depending on the location. This makes self-collection a viable option for those who have urgent travel plans and do not have time to wait for postal delivery.

Another benefit is that an individual can be sure that their passport will not get lost in transit. Postal delivery of passports and visas can be risky as there is always the possibility of losing valuable documents in the post. Self-collection eliminates this risk as individuals can monitor their documents until they are safely collected.


In conclusion, self-collection of UK visas is a convenient and reliable option for individuals who want to avoid the delays and risks associated with postal delivery. However, there is no notification for those who have chosen the self-collect option, and it is up to individuals to monitor the progress of their visa application.



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