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發布于:2024-12-15 作者:小途 閱讀:9


Traveling is a great way to broaden one’s horizons and experience new cultures. The United Kingdom, with its rich history and breathtaking scenery, is a popular destination for tourists. However, obtaining a tourist visa for the UK has become increasingly difficult over the years. In this article, we will discuss the latest ranking of UK tourist visa difficulty and the reasons why it has become harder to secure a visa.

The Latest Ranking of UK Tourist Visa Difficulty

According to the Henley Passport Index, the UK ranks 8th in the world for visa-free access, allowing citizens from 185 countries to enter the country without a visa. However, for those who require a visa, the difficulty level has increased dramatically over the past few years.

In the latest ranking of visa difficulty levels by Nomad Capitalist, the UK has climbed up to the 11th most difficult country to obtain a tourist visa. This ranking takes into account various factors, including visa processing time, cost, required documents, and overall difficulty level of the application process.

Reasons for the Increased Difficulty

Several factors contribute to the increased difficulty of obtaining a UK tourist visa. One of the main reasons is the UK’s immigration policy, which has become more stringent in recent years. The government aims to reduce immigration levels, and one way to achieve this goal is to make it more difficult for tourists to enter the country.

Another reason is the global security threat, which has led to tighter security measures and more extensive background checks. The UK is particularly sensitive to this issue, given its history of terrorist attacks.

The Covid-19 pandemic has also had a significant impact on visa processing times and requirements. With the constant change in regulations and restrictions, visa applications have become more complicated, causing delays and additional documentation requirements.

How to Increase Your Chances of Obtaining a UK Tourist Visa

Despite the increased difficulty level, obtaining a UK tourist visa is still possible. Here are some tips to increase your chances:

Ensure that all required documents are in order and complete. Any missing documents or information can result in the rejection of the visa application.

Provide evidence of your intention to return to your home country. This can be in the form of a job contract, property ownership, or family ties in your home country.

Prove that you have sufficient funds to cover your expenses during your stay in the UK. You should be able to provide bank statements and proof of income.

Provide a detailed itinerary of your trip, including the places you plan to visit and the accommodation you will stay in.

Be honest in your answers and provide accurate information. Any false information can lead to a rejection of the visa application and a ban from entering the UK in the future.


Obtaining a UK tourist visa has become increasingly difficult in recent years. The UK ranks 11th in the world for visa difficulty, mainly due to its stringent immigration policy, global security threat, and the Covid-19 pandemic. However, with proper preparation and documentation, it is still possible to obtain a UK tourist visa. We hope this article has provided valuable insights for those planning to travel to the UK.



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