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發布于:2024-09-24 作者:小途 閱讀:11

1. 西安旅游指南英文

Shanxi History Museum was founded in June 1944 the history of Shanxi Province Museum, 1950 renamed the Northwest Historical Museum, in 1952 renamed the Northwest Museum of History, in 1955 in June renamed the Shanxi Provincial Museum.The history of Shanxi Museum of History highlights the appearance of the Tang Dynasty style, Changan ancient emperors have history, there have been weeks, Qin, Han, Sui, Tang and other feudal dynasties in this capital, with rich underground artifacts, the formation of Shaanxi unique historical and cultural style. After the completion of the Shanxi Museum of History, concentrated collection of Shaanxi unearthed precious cultural relics more than 37 million pieces.

2. 西安旅游英文介紹ppt

Xi’an,the capital of Shannxi Province,is stuated in the fertile Wei RiverValley.One

of the few Chinese cities where the ancient foetress walls can still be seen.Xi’an dates back more than 3,000 years and has impressive collection of archaeological relies to help explain its rich history.Formerly

known as Chang’an(“ternal Peace”),the city of Xi’an had served as a capital under 13 dynasties.

Xi’an is vest known as within the local arts and crafts community for its thriving archaeological reproduction industry,which features painted Neolothic pottery; life-size Qin terra-cotta figures, glazed Tang funeral wares,and Tang tomb murals. A wide variety of folk crafts is also produced in the region,including needlework,ceramics,paper cuts,and rubbing(made from the impressions of stone carvings).

China had 231 emperors and one ruling empress, 79 of whom were buried in Shaanxi. One imperial mausoleum in Shaanxi,which apples to most of visitors,is the Oianling Tomb where Wu Zetian, China’s only tuling empress, and her hubband Li Zhi, who has Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Emperor Qin shihuang’s Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses acclaimed as the “Star Pool” in the Zhou Dynasty 2,800 years ago,the Neolithic Banpo Museum with a history of 6,000 years—an important excavated restored Neolothic Chinese village, the China’s best-preserved City Wall built in the early Ming Dynasty(1368-1644), the Big Wild Goose Pagoda erected in 652, the Forest of Steles, the largest stone library in China and also called a treasure house of Chinese calligraphy with a superb collection by famous callgraphers form Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220) to Qing Dynasty(1644-1911).

The Terra-Catta Warriors&Horses of the Qin Dynasty–秦兵馬俑

Huaqing Hot Spring-華清池

First Emperor’s Tomb of the Qin Dynasty-秦始皇陵

City Wall-西安城墻

Banpo Museum-半坡博物館

Big Wild Goose Pagoda-大雁塔

Forst of Stelae-碑林

Great Mosque -清真寺

Famen Temple-法門寺

Maoling Mausoleum-茂陵

Yang Guifei(719-756)Tomb-楊貴妃墓

Black Dargon Temple -青龍寺

Temple of Prosperous Teaching-興教寺

Three Days on Mount Huashan-華山3日游

Qianling Tomb-乾陵

Yellow Emperor’s Tomb-黃帝陵

Yaowang Temple藥王廟

3. 西安旅游介紹英文

Xi’an Xian, the eternal city, records the great changes of the Chinese nation just like a living history book. Called Chang’an in ancient times, Xian is one of the birthplaces of the ancient civilization in the Yellow River Basin area of the country. During Xian’s 3,100 year development, 13 dynasties such as Western Zhou (11th century BC – 771 BC), Qin (221 BC – 206 BC), Western Han (206 BC – 24 AD) and Tang (618 – 907) placed their capitals here. So far, Xian enjoys equal fame with Athens, Cairo, and Rome as one of the four major ancient civilization capitals.Xian is the capital of Shaanxi province, located in the southern part of the Guanzhong Plain. With the Qinling Mountains to the south and the Weihe River to the north, it is in a favorable geographical location surrounded by water and hills. It has a semi-moist monsoon climate and there is a clear distinction between the four seasons. Except the colder winter, any season is relatively suitable for traveling.




4. 陜西旅游英文介紹




5. 西安旅游指南英語


Xi’an is full of amazing historical wonders, so attract a large number of domestic and foreign tourists.

6. 西安旅游景點英文名稱








7. 西安旅游手冊英語

1    Welcome to Xi’an, one of the oldest cities in China.

2   It used to be the capital city of China for 13 dynasties, so it’s rich in history and culture.

3. As a local here, there are a few places that I’d like to recommend to you .

4. Terracotta Army is a must-see historic site, and it is located in Lintong District.

5. You can also visit the tomb of the The First Emperor, and Lishan Mountains there.

6. There are several places you should go and visit in central Xi’an.

7. You can visit the Bell Tower, the Drum Tower, the Muslim Quarter and the City Wall.

8. You can go up on the City Wall and enjoy the nice view there.

9. There are the Giant Wild Goose Pagodas, Tang Paradise and Shaanxi History Museum in Qujiang District in the south.

10. Shaanxi History Museum is one of the best museums in China because there’s so much you can see there!

8. 西安旅游的英文


9. 西安旅游英語介紹

Xi’an (Chinese:西安),is the capital of the Shanxi province in the People’s Republic of China .As one of the oldest cities in Chinese history,Xi’an is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China because it has been the capital of some of the most important dynasties in Chinese history,including the Zhou,Qin,Han,the Sui,and Tang dynasties.Xi’an is the eastern end of the Silk Road .The city has more than 3,100 years of history,and was known as Chang’an (traditional Chinese:長安).

Long holidays are usual during Spring Festival,Labor Holiday (1-7 May),and National Holiday (1-7 October).The number of travellers is often greater during Summer (May-August),although the most pleasant season for visiting Xi’an is Autumn.




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